
Year 7 boys football win 4-2 versus Bartholomew.

Posted on: 23/02/2023

Year 7 boys football win 4-2 versus Bartholomew.

The Henry Box School Y7 boys VS Bartholomew School Y7

Great game of football played by both teams and a very hard fought and well-deserved win.

0-1 Ben, assisted by Bryan

0-2 Will, assisted by Frankie

0-3 Harrison

0-4 Frankie



A great all-round display of finishing today, Ben scored with his head, Harrison scored from distance, Will scored an absolute screamer and Frankie was so composed, finishing with perfect finesse.

Man of the Match: Ben for his solid defending

Well done boys, bring on the next opponents.

Match report by budding year 7 reporter and football squad member, Mason.


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