Exam Information

All candidates are individually sent details of the examinations that they are entered for. It is always possible that last minute changes might happen, and students are advised to check the noticeboard outside of the exams office. Seating plans are displayed outside exam venues approximately 20 minutes before the exam starts.

Students need to arrive outside the exam venue 10 minutes before the exam start time. Students must arrive to all exams in full uniform.  

Please see the documents below for regulations and information relating to coursework, non-exam assessment and written examinations.  This information is correct for 2023/2024 exams and may be updated during the year for future exams.


If you have any queries regarding examinations, please contact the Examinations Manager (tel. 01993 703955).

Copies of the Examinations Contingency Plan and Examinations Policy can be found in Policies and Procedures section on the website.


Post Exams - Results Services

Students in Years 11 and 13 who would like to request a post results service after receiving their results are asked to complete the form, accessible on the link below:

Post Exams - Results Service Request Form

Details and costs for Post Results Services, Summer 2024
