Behaviour and Attitudes - Ready Respectful Safe

Our approach is research informed.  For example, The EEF Report, 2019 found that a proactive approach to behaviour management is by far more successful than a reactive one.

We believe all adults must be fully engaged in managing and modifying behaviour. As a result, everybody is trained to a high standard so around the site, nobody ‘walks past’.

Humiliation plays no part in our approach. Learners are respected, regardless of their behaviour. Therefore, adult behaviour will never be compromised by learner behaviour. Adults remove all negative emotion/response when dealing with challenging behaviour.

Recognition replaces reward.  Recognition systems are not individual but collective because learners are interdependent.

Our approach is shaped around the 95% of learners who arrive every day keen to learn and eager to please: the silent majority.

We don’t believe the 5% of the most troubled learners are ‘behaviour problems’; they need a different approach: one that is not based on a set of increasingly large sanctions.  There is no ‘them and us’ culture. Alongside many other strategies, universal micro scripts are used to intervene with unacceptable behaviour.

 There are no detentions, segregation/isolation rooms, physical restraints or punitive punishments. Adults and learners have structured restorative conversations.

Our focus is on tracking and increasing learning hours for all learners  with data used to drive change.  As a result, everyone can see the impact that their efforts are making.

Our overarching approach remains to be warm, but strict. Where students do not respond to this approach, the following system will now be implemented, both in lessons and in unstructured times (Brunch, Lunch, and before and after school when students are representing our school): 

Step 1: Reminder 

Reminder of the expectations: Ready, Respectful, Safe, delivered at the lesson start to the entire class. 

Step 2: Warning 

A clear verbal warning delivered privately wherever possible: if behaviour does not improve, the next stage will be removal.

Step 3: Faculty Removal 

The student will go to the faculty removal channel for the remainder of the lesson. The student will now need to attend an after-school restorative meeting session in the Main Hall. The child’s Parent/Carer will receive a text or notification advising them of the date of their child’s after-school restorative meeting.  

Step 4: Removal from Faculty 

On the rare occasion that a student refuses to comply with a faculty removal, parents/carers will be contacted to collect their child. This will constitute a suspension from school.  


After-School Restorative Meetings 

To ensure that all students are ready to return to their classroom following a lesson removal or understand how their behaviour needs to change at brunch/lunch, we ask students to attend compulsory after-school restorative meetings with their teacher. These will take place for approximately 15 minutes on either a Tuesday or a Friday. If a student is required to attend, they will be notified whilst they are being removed from their lesson or when being talked to during brunch/lunch and parents/carers will be notified by text message. 

Students will report to the Lecture Theatre where they will be supervised by School Leaders. Students will wait in silence to be collected by the member of staff whose lesson they disrupted or who noticed their behaviour at brunch/lunch. The member of staff will talk with the student, supported by a School Leader if necessary, to ensure the student understands the importance of their choices. In order to ensure a positive learning environment in the school as a whole, we require parents/carers’ full support in getting their children to attend these important meetings. 

Students will not be able to go back into their lesson until they have completed a restorative meeting with the teacher. This is to ensure that both the student and teacher get a fresh start and there is clear guidance for everyone on how a repeat issue can be avoided. 

If a student has been asked to attend an after-school restorative meeting and chooses not to attend, the following will happen: 

  1. The student will be unable to attend their next lesson until the restorative has been completed. Teachers are asked to contact home to make parents aware that this will happen. 

  2. Students will lose brunch/lunch to discuss with their House Leader why they failed to attend and make plans to attend the next session.



Punctuality to school and to lessons is vitally important in helping us to ensure that all our students can make the most of their learning time. The vast majority of our young people meet our expectations every day, and arrive to all lessons on time, and they deserve to have their learning time uninterrupted. We have a small minority of students who arrive late to lessons, disrupting the flow of the lesson and missing key learning. To ensure that everybody arrives to lessons on time, we will be introducing after-school catch-up time for any student who is late for lessons. This time will be spent completing tasks which will help the student to keep on top of their learning. 

Students will be required to spend an hour catching up after school if they are late to two or more lessons in any one day, or if they arrive more than 10 minutes into any one lesson. We will send a text message to parents and carers to ensure that you know where your child is and the student will receive a slip during period 5 to remind them where to go. Please ensure that the school always has the correct contact details for you. If you are uncertain about this, please contact your child’s tutor.


Satchel: One 

We will continue to use Satchel: One to record positive recognition and incidents, as well as attendance. We would encourage all parents/carers who are not currently registered for Satchel: One to sign up please.  

How to sign up, reset your login details for your parent account or assist your child to log in: 


Behaviour Blueprint

The Henry Box School aims for all of its students to be well-motivated and self-aware learners, who can conduct themselves appropriately in a range of situations.  We also aim to create an ethos and an environment in which students feel safe and in which they can learn to interact respectfully, sensibly and maturely with others.  We want our students to develop into responsible citizens, playing an active part in the school, local and wider communities.  We want students to behave appropriately because it is the right thing to do.  Underpinning this, we expect all staff to be positive role models.  We believe that all members of the school community deserve to be treated with dignity.

Please see the Behaviour Blueprint below for further information.


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HBS Behaviour Blueprint 14th Feb 2022 Download